15 Tips To Getting Better Sleep

images-21Falling asleep may seem like an impossible dream when you’re awake at 3 a.m., but good sleep is more under your control than you might think. Following healthy sleep habits can make the difference between restlessness and restful slumber. You might also want to Click here for some statistics on sleeping lengths, cycles, and more. Whether this means limiting phone usage before going to bed, reducing caffeine intake or going on sites like Buy my weed online to buy marijuana (which is said to be a sleep aid), there are a number of ways that people can do that will help them get a better night’s sleep. Tony Robbins was doing an interview with someone about the different times of history as compared to the times of our current lives. The truth is that each time of our life brings us extra sleep challenges.

Sleep is so important. We are meant to recharge our batteries nightly and if we don’t do that we start to bear the consequences.

Sleep deprivation affects:

  1. Growth
  2. Reasoning
  3. Diabetes
  4. Weight (gain or loss)
  5. Healing
  6. Memory
  7. Ability
  8. Function (performance)

True story: Michelle is about 13 years of age and she does not sleep at night. The doctors think that the problem is hormonal. Some have suggested that maybe looking at what CPAP Australia offers might help her find a solution to her sleeping issues. The problem is so severe that she is missing large amounts of school and seeing sleep specialists from outside our area. They made some changes to her environment to help her sleep to be less disrupted. It is like eating, the cause needs to be looked at to try to influence her behavior and at the same time, you do everything around it to try to make it better. What they did to her environment did not eliminate the underlying problem. It did take away any of the contributors. They took out anything with a small light on it, digital clocks, boom box, nightlights, etc. They put up 100% room darkening drapery so that no light could enter from outside. All the colors in the room were limited to non-stimulating and tranquil. She stopped using the computer or watching television several hours before bedtime to slow down the brain a little. She quietly sat and read a book before bedtime.

Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep – from pressure at work and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as relationship issues or illnesses. It’s no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive.

Whenever you have troubles sleeping, you could tie your troubles to hormones, stress, pharmaceutical drugs, children’s activities and wine! As long as you know the reason, I think you can eliminate the problem.

Although you might not be able to control all of the factors that interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep. Start with these simple sleep tips:

  1. Establish a rhythm of sleep, go to bed at the same time nightly and get up at the same time.
  2. Take short naps if you missed sleep the night before (20 minutes is optimal)
  3. Supplement your Vitamin D (if you aren’t sure, have a blood test and get it checked…then supplement it)
  4. Get some sunshine during the day
  5. Get exercise during the day
  6. Turn off your television, computer and iPad at least an hour or two before bed
  7. Turn lights down at night
  8. Have a comfortable bed
  9. Block light out
  10. Make sure your bedroom is cool
  11. No caffeine 10-12 hours before sleep
  12. No large meals (especially beef) at least three hours before bed
  13. No alcohol before bed
  14. Learn relaxation techniques like meditation to calm your mind
  15. Deep breathing
  16. Decorating your bedroom properly helps with sleep anxiety

Over the years, this has been my challenge. I was guilty of getting on my iPad and checking Facebook or watching a tv in bed. That would be a huge no-no. Yet for me it is relaxing at the time or so I thought. I can tell you one of the most tempting thing to do is watching television. Don’t even go there, Watching television sometimes relaxes you, but more often stimulates, even more often, you end up watching television until it is time to get up because you get caught up in a movie.

  1. Whatever you are thinking about when you wake up, empty it out of your head by substituting thoughts.
  2. Relax. Don’t even think about falling back asleep, think about relaxing and take the pressure off.
  3. If you have to, get up and do something for a few minutes to break things up. Stay away from the television and computer more like reading a book or article.

By changing the way that I eat, getting lots of exercise and being more aware of the things I do, I have eliminated my sleep problems!

What are some of the sleep challenges you have had? How do you get to sleep? Share it below! I can’t wait to hear!

Peace & Fabulous Health!


  1. hi Gloria,great article! I had problems with sleep for a long time and have now sorted this out. I follow most of the same things as you with a couple of additions;
    1. I have soft yellow tint (“warm”) lights for my home in the evenings. These are wall lights and give a restful ambience. The ceiling spots are of a whiter light and they wake me up so dont use them in the evenings.
    2. I use a sleep mask over my eyes to keep light out, so that my bedroom can remain lighter and avoids risk of tripping on the way to the bathroom in the night. I found the blackout curtains made the room jet black and I was disorientated when waking. Now I just slip off the sleep mask.
    3. I use a gadget that has been recently invented (“zeez” which I bought from the inventor that really helps. It generates a gentle signal that slows down the brain waves to relaxation, then adjusts to REM sleep during the night, which helps me to sleep a lot better. If anyone is interested in this gadget get in touch. Simone

    • Hi Simone, those are some really great tips. Thanks for sharing!

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